Thursday 3 November 2011

Creativity, and the lack of.

Why is it when you're out and about you can be the funniest, wittiest person the world has ever seen yet when you want to be creative and write you turn into a turd? This has contributed to my now non participation NaNoWriMo this year. Just couldn't develop any sort of ideas at all so I have decided to throw myself into Movember and grow a shit hot handlebar moustache. That will be ginger.    Please donate :)

The other reason I can think of that has contributed to my lack of creativity (apathy aside) is the general mundane-ness of my live. Get up, go to work, have a poo, go home, sleep. Even writing this blog is a struggle.

Obviously the answer is to shake things up, be it new job or a different hobby. If only things were free hey?

Oh and Toffee Dodgers are fucking awful.

Saturday 22 October 2011


Hello and welcome. As you can see by the blog title this will be a place for my inane musings and random thoughts to be noted and published for all to see. The main idea behind this is to get myself back into writing again. I had hoped to take part in the NaNoWriMo event this November but have been unable to find time to write. Hopefully by next November this will not be the case.

NaNoWriMo is all about writing a 50,000 word novel during one month. The idea is to just keep writing and to stop "self-editing". We are all our own worst critics and often will abandon ideas half way through. By just concentrating on the writing and getting a product out the editing can come later. Sounds easy enough I suppose...

I also like wrestling. A lot. Big fan of WWE so you will find I will mention it. A lot. And yes I know it is fake, though I prefer the term predetermined. It is entertainment and I like it. Plus it is so much better than EastEnders or that X Factor bollocks.

I should try and sleep now, have to be up in a little over 7 hours for work. Yay.

Goodnight/Good Morning.
